Tyranny of the Should

Everyone lives with “shoulds.”  One might say Judaism is a way of life built on shoulds, such as, one should love others, one should keep kosher, one should give charity.  For many, their shoulds are experienced as positive and fulfilling.  Meeting ones moral obligations is a great source of pleasure.  …

Relationship Assessments

“Strengthen Your Love with the Power of Clarity.” RELATIONSHIP ASSESSMENTS AND COUNSELING For couples who are beginning to think seriously about marriage. My goal is to give you a clear picture of the strengths and weaknesses of your relationship by: Identifying Any Potential Areas Of Serious Risk Evaluating Your Over …


It’s quite possible that you are struggling with painful feelings. There are many possibilities: anger, shame, guilt, sadness, loneliness, hate, jealousy, insecurity, criticalness, inferiority, fear, arrogance, helpless, powerlessness, or anxiety. How do you deal with them? Some of the common approaches are: 1. Change your thinking, such as reframing or …