Why G-d Cannot Compete with Lady Gaga

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I’d like to compare G-d’s fan base to Lady Gaga’s.  In terms of numbers, I am sure there are more “followers” of G-d than of Lady Gaga.  What I’m interested in is comparing the experience of their respective followers.  My sense is that the average follower of Lady Gaga is far more passionate and excited about his involvement with her than the average follower of G-d is.  Those loyal followers of LGG literally worship her and get great pleasure at the mention of her name.  My perception of the average G-d follower is that such a passion and excitement is rare.

The faces of the followers of LGG light up with joy thinking of going to one of her concert’s.  I have rarely found such joy among the G-d followers when it is time to go synagogue for the daily prayers or even holiday prayers.  Those who attend her concerts sit in awe of her and her music and can’t get enough.  I don’t find many that enjoy hanging around synagogue after prayers are over or wish the services were longer.

People who admire her as an artist show great respect and honor for her as a performer.  G-d, who created the universe is a pretty good “performer” in His own right.  But do his followers walk around in awe and honor Him for His artistic performances expressed in such works of art as flowers, trees, sunsets, and an array of beautiful colorful creatures, stars, brains, DNA, and complex biological structures such as human organs?

My point is G-d simply cannot compete with Lady GaGa’s fan appeal.  Her fans are far more passionate and engaged than G-d’s fans are.

I think we learn some important insights about human nature from this comparison:

  1. Human beings have a great need for self-transcendence. The ultimate experience of self-transcendence may be to attach to someone or something greater than oneself, such as superstar, a cause, a vision, or fictional superheroes.
  1. Human beings derive a great deal of pleasure through self-transcendence and attaching to something greater than themselves. By contrast the pain of living a life of self-absorption and self-indulgence is self-destructive and ultimately unbearable.

3.  Human beings in attaching to greatness need to bestow great honor to the object of their attachment.  There is a need                  to idealize, admire, and sing their praises.  “I just can’t stop talking about Lebron and those Lakers.” Isn’t this what                      sports talk radio is about?  The true fan just wants to talk about his heroes and listen to others talk about them

  1. The experience of self-transcendence can reach such a level of intensity that one is even willing to give up one’s life for that which they idealize, such as one’s country, family, or a loved one.

A consistent complaint I hear about Jewish prayer is that the prayers are so repetitious; the only thing you read is how great G-d is.  Enough already!  But once one begins to understand the human need for self-transcendence and attaching to greatness, it becomes clear why the prayers are this way. Just like a LeBron or Lady GaGa fan can’t stop praising their heroes, so too one who is deeply attached to G-d and recognizes His greatness can’t stop praising Him.  For such a person, the King of the universe is experienced as a superstar. How can one stop talking about the greatest superhero of all time?

The difference between LGG and G-d is that LGG has captured the hearts and minds of her fans in a very intense emotional, and exotic way, while G-d has not captured the hearts and minds of His followers in the same intense way. What else could the King of the universe do to get our attention and devotion?  After all, there is no question that He is the greatest “superstar” of all time.  Yet, until one recognizes this, one will continue to sing the praises of Lady GaGa and others.

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