Natasha was finding it harder and harder to control her anger with her two children, ages 6 and 8. Particularly, she found herself yelling at her older daughter way too often and her husband had begun to point it out to her. She was losing it and decided to take …
Eight Ways Our Feelings Help Us To Grow
Feelings are information. In order to grow and become our best self, it is essential to listen and learn from them. In order to grow, we must be emotionally honest with ourselves. Here are eight ways that feelings help us grow in order to actualize our vast potential. Growing …
Facing Difficult Feelings
In Judaism, one of the most important character traits a person can acquire is being honest with one’s self. It is especially important to be honest about how we feel, particularly when we experience uncomfortable or unwanted feelings. Greg has been married for 15 years. Over the last few years …
Transforming Self-Hate
The one gift I would love to give to everyone is the gift of self-love. Self-hate drains a person of his emotional energy. He is constantly at war with himself and others. Transforming self-hate into self-love is like taking a 100-pound weight off one’s shoulders. One’s entire being feels lighter. …
Passover: Liberating the Will
Passover is the holiday of freedom. Freedom is the ability to expand and grow beyond one’s perceived limitations. In Hebrew, the word Egypt means “narrow.” Egypt was a place that limited human potential and enslaved the will. Freedom from one’s personal Egypt is the experience of expanding and moving beyond …
Life’s Most Important Question
There are many questions that can expand our consciousness and transform our lives. I would like to suggest the following for your consideration. What is the most important thing a human being can do? The power of this question lies in that it invites us to consider the big picture …
How to Stop Most Any Fight
Josh and Ann are fighting because Josh saw Ann flirting with an “old friend.” Jerry and Laurie are fighting because Jerry is always on his phone Bill and Terry are fighting because Terry has had it with his drinking Abe and Sarah are fighting because they never can make ends …
How To Deepen Any Relationship
Choosing to be vulnerable is the one sure way to deepen any relationship. When you choose to be vulnerable, you put yourself in an emotionally dangerous position by telling the truth about how you feel about another person or any sensitive issue in your life. Choosing to be vulnerable is …
The Eight Habits of Emotionally Healthy People
They listen to and learn from their feelings. Emotionally healthy people understand that their feelings provide them with invaluable information. The rabbis teach us that there are forty-eight ways to spiritual empowerment. One of them is binat halev, which means, “understanding the heart.” Emotionally healthy people listen to their heart. …
Love and Commitment
The Torah tells us that a person should love his fellow as himself. The implication is that since it is a commandment, we are obligated to love everyone and that we have the ability to do so (evil people being excluded from this obligation). The truth is that it is …