Ten Signs of Emotionally Healthy Relationships Many people don’t understand what an emotionally healthy or mature romantic relationship looks like. As a result, hey get into unhealthy relationships and wonder why they’re having so many problems. There is no question that the key to long term relationship success depends on …
Seven Ways to Move Forward After a Break-Up
Get Closure You cannot move on until you have complete closure. This means that you have no doubt that the door is completely shut and there’s no option for getting back together. Sometimes the person who ends it, does so in a somewhat vague way that leaves the door open …
Seven Ways to Move Forward Outline
GET CLOSURE Do you have closure? Closure means you know it’s over; have no doubts Why or why not? 2. MOURN YOUR LOSS 5 stages of mourning: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance What have you lost? What needs were met? Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy needs. Move from fantasy to …
The Ten Qualities of an Emotionally Mature Person
An emotionally mature person 1. Acknowledges and takes full ownership of her uncomfortable feelings. Throughout our lives we experience a range of uncomfortable and unwanted feelings. We always have a choice. We can acknowledge and take ownership of them or try to ignore and get rid of them. Unfortunately, the …
Ten Steps to Transforming Shame and Building Self-Esteem
Shame is the emotional experience underlying low self-esteem. It’s that awful feeling generated by perceiving one’s self as bad, defective, incompetent, unattractive. Everyone experiences shame from time to time. I meet someone I know and call them by the wrong name. “Oy, I can’t believe I’m so stupid,” I tell …
Workshop: Transforming shame
Identify one thing you constantly beat yourself up for and apply these ten steps to begin a process of transforming your shame into self-esteem. 1. Face the truth. This means acknowledging and owning when you feel shame and acknowledging how much you are suffering because of these feelings. …
The Double-Edged Sword of Spiritual Growth
There’s no doubt in my mind that no other religion or philosophy of life comes close to the superlative ideals of Judaism. The fact that Judaism’s basic moral theory is based on the mandate to emulate G-d indicates that Judaism is way of life based on great ideals. Loving others Is …
Ten Reasons Part 1 outline
DOV HELLER, LMFT Psychotherapy, Dating and Relationship Coaching Dov@ClarityTalk.com THE TEN REASONS WHY PEOPLE MARRY THE WRONG PERSON 1. You focus more on chemistry than on character. 2. You expect him/her to change after you’re married. 3. You don’t understand the fundamental emotional needs of men and women. 4. You …
The Rose, the Grizzly Bear, and the Robin
What do all three of these have in common with a human being? Like every living thing, it grows towards maturation and perfection. Shakespeare said, “Ripeness is all.” The rose emerges from under the winter ground in all its glory growing into its full pedaled beauty. The grizzly surviving the …
Your Ten Respnsibilities for Being Human
Judaism is a way of life built upon taking responsibility and fulfilling obligations. Perhaps the most crucial personal mandate of Judaism is to take full responsibility for one’s life. As Hillel famously said, “If I’m not for myself, who will be?” Here is a check list of the ten most …