How Strong is Your Core Self?

Just as achieving peak physical health requires working on one’s core strength, so too achieving peak emotional and spiritual health requires working on one’s emotional core strength.  A person who has a strong core self will be able to take on most anything life throws at him.  He will experience …

What is Happiness?

From a Jewish perspective, happiness refers to a very specific emotional state.  What many people fail to understand is that happiness is only one of many pleasures that one can experience, such as joy, growth, power, creativity, doing the right thing, perseverance, discipline, change, learning, giving, love, and closeness to …

Human Being or Human Robot?

What is a human being?  Depending on your philosophic lenses, there may be several answers.  Judaism defines a human being as a being created in the image of G-d—a physical body with an eternal, non-physical soul.  The medieval commentator, Rashi explains that “created in G-d’s image” means that the human …

Life Pain or Traumatic Pain?

Previously, I discussed the importance of listening to ones feelings. Feelings educate us.They are information that we must access and process if we want to maximize ourself-development. They are the pathways to self-discovery. I also pointed out that troubling feelings such as sadness, loneliness, shame, anger, etc, contain the greatest …