Why Get Married?

ARE YOU READY FOR MARRIAGE?   Why do you want to get married?  Take a moment and write down your reasons.  How   you answer this question will reveal much about your emotional and mental readiness for marriage.  Compare your answers to what I think are the four best reasons for …

Why Get Married

ARE YOU READY FOR MARRIAGE? Why do you want to get married?  Take a moment and write down your reasons.  How   you answer this question will reveal much about your emotional and mental readiness for marriage.  Compare your answers to what I think are the four best reasons for getting …

Are You Ready For Marriage?

Why do you want to get married?  Take a moment and write down your reasons.  How   you answer this question will reveal much about your emotional and mental readiness for marriage.  Compare your answers to what I think are the four best reasons for getting married. TO LOVE Most people …

The Danger of Triangles

In the physical world the strongest foundation is three, a triangle while the weakest is two.  In the world of relationships, the strongest foundation is two while the weakest is three.  The Torah says, “And a man will leave his father and mother, cleave to his wife and they will …