Self-Hate vs. Self-Criticism

In general, I believe the root of most of our emotional and relational problems is thegeneric issue of self-worthlessness. People who love themselves are generally happy andhighly functioning people.The most insidious dimension of self-esteem is self-hate. Dr. Blaise Aguirre, in hisrecent book, I Hate Myself, uncovers the psychological nightmare of …

The Love Factor

What we love doing, we enjoy doing. What we don’t love doing, we generally don’tenjoy doing. Identify something you really love doing, like computers, making deals,golfing, counseling, teaching, working out, or gardening. What we love doing we alsolove learning about and striving towards achieving some degree of expertise and mastery.We …


There are two types of anger. The first type is anger most of us experience when someone does not act inaccord with our will, needs and expectations. The guy schmoozing with the bank teller when I’m tenth inline and feeling pressured to get to the office makes me angry. When …