“I don’t feel like it.” How often have you caught yourself saying this to yourself?
Unfortunately, most of the time that we tell ourselves, we don’t feel like it, it is
What’s so bad? When we say, “I don’t feel like it,” what we’re doing is giving in to our
lower self. In kabbalistic thought, we are letting the pull of the body’s natural desire for
comfort and rest determine our actions. The problem is that when we let our natural
impulses and desires control us, we make poor decisions which impoverish the quality of
our lives. If we want to get more depth and richness out of life, it is crucial to be acutely
aware of this voice and choose “the path less traveled by.”
I don’t feel like giving my wife a nice good morning when I first see her. So I give her a
sour face which says, “you’re not important enough to me to try harder.” I could
definitely give a loving smile. I am definitely capable of it, but I just don’t feel like it and
the quality of our relationship takes a downward turn.
Could I learn to concentrate and say the words of my daily prayers with more focus and
meaning? I definitely am capable of it, but I don’t feel like it and the experience of my
connection with the King of the universe is damaged and the spiritual pleasure is lost.
It is a transformative growth process to begin to notice how often we tell ourselves, we
don’t feel like it. Choosing to push back on I don’t feel like it is how we increase our
pleasure in living. And unfortunately, the more listen to this voice the more we diminish
our pleasure and joy in living.
A friend or perhaps your child, calls to ask a question and you’re feeling pressed for time.
They need us to listen to them. Are we capable of giving them quality attention? Of
course we are, but we don’t feel like it and a great opportunity for connection and
bonding is lost forever. How sad that we consistently choose impotence over
empowerment and elevation.