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I believe that a crucial aspect of emotional and spiritual well-being is to take full
responsibility for our lives. To be sure you are taking responsibility for your life, I
believe there are four questions everyone needs to answer:

  1. Does G-d, as defined by the Jewish Bible exist?
  2. If He does exist, does He want anything from me?
  3. If He does, what does He want and how do I know this?
  4. Does the soul as a separate entity exist separate from my body and brain It has been my experience that the vast majority of people never take these questions
    seriously. They make all kinds of excuses for why they can’t answer them. It seems
    obvious to me that every person must answer these questions, because regardless of one’s
    conclusions, the impact on how one lives one’s life is nothing short of cosmic.
    I hope with all my heart that you will take on this ultimate challenge.