What we love doing, we enjoy doing. What we don’t love doing, we generally don’tenjoy doing. Identify something you really love doing, like computers, making deals,golfing, counseling, teaching, working out, or gardening. What we love doing we alsolove learning about and striving towards achieving some degree of expertise and mastery.We …
True Respect
The deepest level of respect and honor I can give you is to see you as human being. Thereason why this is true is that we tend to judge others by how they appear to us, by theirroles, jobs, culture, etc. When I relate to you as my barber or …
Adventures with G-d
I think most of us have a very limited and often negative experience of G-d. We eitherrelate to G-d as the fix it man, who is called on when life isn’t working out as expected,the mystery man, whose relationship with us and the world is seems impossible tounderstand, or the …
Feeling like a winner…even when you’re losing
Do you think it’s possible to feel like a winner even when you’re losing? TheodoreRoosevelt did when he wrote:The credit belongs to the person who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred bydust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again andagain because …
Wisdom For Living #1
This is the first post of Wisdom for Living.